![]() International Symposiums on Marine Propulsors
Homepage of the series of symposiums on marine propulsors |
Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Marine Propulsors - smp'17
Session MA1: Cavitation Erosion |
A Qualitative Study on the Relationship Between Cavitation Structure and Erosion Region around a 3D Twisted Hydrofoil by Painting Method Y.T. Cao, X.X. Peng, K. Yan, L.H. Xu, L.W. Shu |
1 |
Experimental and Numerical Study of Polyurea Failure under Cavitation Jin-Keun Choi, Georges L. Chahine |
6 |
Cavitation erosion fracture mechanisms and their detection in ship operation Ioannis Armakolas, John Carlton, Miodrag Vidakovic, Tong Sun, Kenneth T. V. Grattan |
14 |
Session MB1: Water jets |
Design and Verification of a Noise Test Device for Water-jet Propulsion Pumps Zonglong Wang, Youlin Cai, Chen-Jun Yang |
22 |
A Head Correction Method In Model Experiment of Water-jet Propulsion Axial-flow Pump With Front Guide Vane Ji Guorui, Wang Zonglong, Cai Youlin, Li Ning |
28 |
Comparison of Different Methods for Estimating Energetics Related to Efficiency on a UUV with Cephalopod Inspired Propulsion Michael Krieg, Kamran Mohseni |
32 |
Session MA2: Cavitation Modeling |
Numerical Study of the Effects of Gas Diffusion on Bubble Distribution about a Lifting Surface Chao-Tsung Hsiao, Jingsen Ma, Georges L. Chahine |
42 |
VOF Simulations Of Hydrodynamic Cavitation Using The Asymptotic And Classical Rayleigh-Plesset Models Samir Muzaferija, Dimitrios Papoulias, Milovan Peric |
50 |
Thomas Lloyd, Guilherme Vaz, Douwe Rijpkema, Antoine Reverberi |
58 |
Simulating Compressibility in Cavitating Flows with an Incompressible Mass Transfer Flow Solver Sören Schenke, Thomas Jan Cornelis van Terwisga |
71 |
Session MB2: Viscous Flow |
On the Use of the γ-Reθ Transition Model for the Prediction of the Propeller Performance at Model-Scale J. Baltazar, D. Rijpkema, J.A.C. Falcão de Campos |
80 |
Influence of Propulsion Type on the Near-Wake Evolution of Kinetic and Potential Energy Matthew C. Jones, Eric Paterson |
93 |
Direct Numerical Simulation of Transitional Flow over a NACA66 Propeller Section A.Ducoin, J. A. Astolfi, S. Sharma |
101 |
Modification of Eddy-Viscosity Turbulence Model considering Boundary Layer Transition for predicting Ship Hull Wake Flow Keita Fujiyama, Tomohiro Waku1, Tomohiro Irie, Nobuhiro Hasuike |
109 |
Session MC2: Unconventional |
Simulation-driven Design of a Rim Drive for an Autonomous Vehicle Heinrich Grümmer, Stefan Harries, Andrés Cura Hochbaum |
115 |
Open Water Tests of Unconventional Ducted Propulsor without Rotating Blades in Circulating Water Channel Kazuo Suzuki, Motoi Kasahara, Shohei Ohji |
123 |
Development of New Type Low Drag Rudders in Propeller Slipstream Takashi Kanemaru, Akira Yoshitake, Jun Ando |
127 |
Case Study on CFD Simulation and Experiment of New Developed Propeller for Trailing Thai Boat J. Noosomton, W. Gunnuang |
135 |
Session MA3: Acoustics/Vibration |
A Semi-Empirical Method to Predict Broadband Hull Pressure Fluctuations and Underwater Radiated Noise by Cavitating Tip Vortices Johan Bosschers |
148 |
CFD and CHA simulation of underwater noise induced by a marine propeller in two-phase flows Ville M. Viitanen, Antti Hynninen, Lars Lübke, Rhena Klose, Jukka Tanttari, Tuomas Sipilä1, Timo Siikonen |
158 |
Effect of Propeller Eccentric Forces on the Bearing Loads of the Complicated Shafting System for Large Container Ships Tae-goo Lee, Gi-su Song, Ji-nam Kim, Jin-suk Lee, Hyoung-gil Park |
172 |
Session MB3: Unconventional |
On the significance of the pitching axis location for Flapping Wing Systems of swept outlines under Spring Loaded or Active Control of the pitching motion Tsarsitalidis Vasileios, Politis Gerasimos |
181 |
Unsteady Hydrodynamic Modeling of a Cycloidal Propeller Atanu Halder, Carolyn Walther, Moble Benedict |
189 |
Development of a Numerical Model for the Hydrodynamic Performance Analysis of a Collective and Cyclic Pitch Propeller Arno Dubois, Zhi Q Leong, Hung D Nguyen, Jonathan R Binns |
203 |
Session MA4: Energy Saving Devices |
Study on Extrapolation Method for Self-Propulsion Test with Pre-Swirl Device Moon-Chan Kim, Yong-Jin Shin, Won-Joon Lee, Joon-Hyoung Lee |
211 |
Study on Performance of Combined Energy Saving Devices For Container Ship by Experiments Joon Hyoung Lee, Moon Chan Kim, Yong Jin Shin, Jin Gu Kang |
219 |
The Battle Royal of Energy Saving Devices for a Ship Yoshihisa Okada, Kenta Katayama, Akinori Okazaki, Masafumi Okazaki, Kenichi Fukuda, Yosuke Kobayashi, Toshie Kajino |
225 |
Session MB4: Propulsor Dynamics |
Analysis of Dynamic Loads on Azimuthing Ducted Propulsor under Off-Design Operation Conditions Nabila Berchiche, Vladimir Krasilnikov, Kourosh Koushan |
230 |
Dynamic Instabilities in Propeller Crashback Matthew Pontarelli, J. Ezequiel Martin, Pablo M. Carrica |
242 |
Efficient Prediction of Crashback Performance of Controllable Pitch Propellers Markus Pergande, Keqi Wang, Jan Clemens Neitzel-Petersen, Moustafa Abdel-Maksoud |
250 |
Session TA1: Design/Optimization |
Propeller geometry optimization for pressure pulses reduction: an analysis of the influence of the rake distribution Stefano Gaggero, Giorgio Tani, Diego Villa, Michele Viviani, Fabiana Miglianti, Pierluigi Ausonio, Piero Travi, Giovanni Bizzarri, Francesco Serra |
258 |
Automated multi-objective optimization of ship propellers John Huisman, Evert-Jan Foeth |
270 |
Application of multi-objective optimization based design to high-speed craft propellers James HuanStefano Gaggero, Giorgio Tani, Diego Villa, Michele Viviani, Pierluigi Ausonio, Piero Travi, Giovanni Bizzarri, Francesco Serra |
278 |
Session TB1: Ocean Turbines |
Modified BEM Methods for the Marine Current Turbine Performance Analysis under Non-uniform Inflow Condition Hang Li, Long Yu, Yanping He |
291 |
Humpback whale inspired design for tidal turbine blades Weichao Shi, Mehmet Atlar, Rosemary Norman |
300 |
Design Optimization of a Horizontal Axis Tidal Stream Turbine Blade Using CFD Madhan Kumar, Gwon Woo Nam, Seung Jin Oh, Jeonghwa Seo, Abdus Samad, Shin Hyung Rhee |
308 |
Session TA2: Propeller/Rudder/Hull Interaction |
Analysis of Propeller-Hull Interaction Phenomena on a Self-Propelled Axisymmetric Body Arash Eslamdoost, Jennie Andersson, Rickard Bensow, Robert Gustafsson, Marko Hyensjö |
316 |
A RANS-BEM coupling procedure for calculating the effective wakes of ships and submarines David Hally |
323 |
Nominal vs. Effective Wake Fields and their Influence on Propeller Cavitation Performance Pelle Bo Regener, Yasaman Mirsadraee, Poul Andersen |
331 |
Numerical Investigation of Submarine Tail Form on the Hull Efficiency Yasemin Arıkan Özden, Münir Cansın Özden, Fahri Çelik |
338 |
Session TB2: Scale Effects |
The effect of propeller scaling methodology on the performance prediction Stephan Helma, Heinrich Streckwall, Jan Richter |
346 |
Scale effects of marine propellers in POT and self propulsion test conditions Nobuhiro Hasuike1, Masafumi Okazaki1, Akinori Okazaki1, Keita Fujiyama |
356 |
RANSE-based Simulation and Analysis of Scale Effects on Open-Water Performance of the PPTC-II Benchmark Propeller Xiao-Qian Dong, Wei Li, Chen-Jun Yang, Francis Noblesse |
364 |
Full scale CFD: the end of the Froude-Reynolds battle Norbert Bulten, Petra Stoltenkamp |
372 |
Session TC2: Arctic |
Application of Polar Class Rules for Fatigue to an Existing Arctic Class Icebreaker Propeller Mohammad Asif Amin, Brian Veitch |
382 |
The problem of propeller design for high ice class transportation ships А.V. Pustoshny, G.K. Darchiev, I.G. Frolova |
390 |
CFD application for an icebreaker propeller design Mikhail P. Lobachev, Timur I. Saifullin, Andrei E. Taranov, Irina G. Frolova |
398 |
Multiple propulsion unit icebreakers; the effect of fore propulsion units on icebreaker performance in open water and ice condition Leonid Shchemelinin, Aleksander I. Malikov, Ilkka Saisto, Artur Nerman |
404 |
Session TA3: Podded Propulsors. Extrapolation |
On the advanced extrapolation method for a new type of podded propulsor via CFD simulations and model measurements Tomi Veikonheimo, Pasi Miettinen, John Huisman |
409 |
Numerical investigation into scale effect on the performance characteristics of twin-screw offshore vessels Vladimir Krasilnikov, Lucia Sileo, Kristian Steinsvik |
417 |
Conventional propellers in CRP-POD configuration. Tests and extrapolation Ramon Quereda, Mariano Perez Sobrino, Juan Gonzalez-Adalid, Cristina Soriano |
430 |
Session TB3: Acoustics/Vibration |
On predicting the sound from a cavitating marine propeller in a tunnel Antti Hynninen, Jukka Tanttari, Ville Viitanen, Tuomas Sipilä |
438 |
Effect of Propeller Tip Clearance on Hull Pressure Pulses Rickard E Bensow, Robert Gustafsson |
447 |
Large Eddy Simulation of Propeller in Forward Mode of Operation Jacob Keller, Praveen Kumar, Krishnan Mahesh |
455 |
Session TA4: Cavitation Erosion |
A study on the numerical prediction of cavitation erosion for propellers Onur Usta1, Batuhan Aktaş, Matthias Maasch, Osman Turan, Mehmet Atlar, Emin Korkut |
466 |
Time accurate numerical cavitation erosion prediction of multiphase flow through a venturi Batuhan Aktas, Dmitriy Ponkratov |
478 |
Session TB4: Experimental Techniques |
The Upgrade of the Large Cavitation Tunnel of the Marine Technology Centre in Trondheim Luca Savio, Lucia Sileo, Chittiappa Muthanna, Sverre Steen, Silas Spence, Kjetil Berget |
485 |
Cavity Shape Measurement Using Combination-Line CCD Camera Measurement Method Koichiro Shiraishi, Yuki Sawada, Kunihiro Hoshino |
497 |
Session WA1: Acoustics/Vibration |
Full-Scale Measurements of Underwater Radiated Noise of a Catamaran Research Vessel Serkan Turkmen, Mehmet Atlar, Noriyuki Sasaki |
503 |
A detail computational hydro - acoustics analysis for hydrofoils with straight and wavy leading edges Nicolaos Charalambous, Ian Eames |
510 |
A Hybrid Numerical Method for Investigating Underwater Sound Propagation of Cavitating Propellers Ulf Göttsche, Martin Scharf, Stephan Berger, Moustafa Abdel-Maksoud |
520 |
Session WB1: Propeller/Rudder/Hull Interaction |
Calculation of Penetrated Wake Alignments in a Three Dimensional Panel Method for the Rudder Design Process Arne Falkenhorst, Christoph M. Steinbach |
528 |
Propeller-hull interaction coefficients: classic vs alternative system Kanevsky G.I., Klubnichkin A.M. |
534 |
Prediction of the Propeller-induced Hull Pressure Fluctuation via a Potential-based Method: Study of the Rudder Effect and the Effect from Different Wake Alignment Methods Yiran Su, Seungnam Kim, Weikang Du, Spyros A. Kinnas1, Mikael Grekula, Jan Hallander, Da-Qing Li |
538 |
Session WA2: Hydroelasticity/Composite Propellers |
A Design Concept of Composite Marine Propeller for Long Stroke Slow Speed Main Engine Hyoungsuk Lee, Jaewook Hur, Jin Hyoun Park, Zoo Hwan Hah, Min-Churl Song, Bong-Jun Chang |
546 |
Coupled Numerical Simulation of an Aluminum and a Composite Hydrofoil in Steady Flow Laetitia Pernod, Antoine Ducoin, Hervé Le Sourne, Jean-François Sigrist |
553 |
Hydro-elastic analysis of a propeller using CFD and FEM co-simulation Vesa Nieminen |
562 |
Hydrodynamic design and model testing techniques for composite ship propellers Gert-Jan Zondervan, Nicola Grasso, Wim Lafeber |
568 |
Session WB2: Tip Vortex Flow/Cavitation |
Implicit Large Eddy Simulation of Tip Vortex on an Elliptical Foil Abolfazl Asnaghi, Rickard Bensow, Urban Svennberg |
576 |
RANS Simulations of Tip Leakage Vortex Cavitation Flows around NACA0009 Hydrofoil Zhihui Liu, Benlong Wang |
584 |
The Study of Tip Vortex Flow and Cavitation Inception on an Elliptical Hydrofoil Xiaoxing Peng, Lianghao Xu, Yantao Cao |
590 |
An Investigation into Computational Modelling of Cavitation in a Propeller’s Slipstream Naz Yilmaz, Mahdi Khorasanchi, Mehmet Atlar |
596 |
Session WC2: Design. Numerical Methods |
A generalized description of hydrodynamic parts based on aerodynamic profile sections Eckhard Praefke, Thomas Stoye, Claus Abt |
604 |
Experience with Small Blade Area Propeller Performance Thomas Lücke, Heinrich Streckwall |
610 |
Simulate the PPTC propeller with a vortex particle-boundary element hybrid method Youjiang Wang, Moustafa Abdel-Maksoud, Peng Wang, Baowei Song |
619 |
Panel method for ducted propellers with sharp and round trailing edge duct with fully aligned wake on blade and duct Seungnam Kim, Weikang Du, Spyros A. Kinnas |
627 |
Session WA3: CRP Analysis |
Application of a BEM/RANS Interactive Method to Contra-Rotating Propellers Yiran Su, Spyros A. Kinnas, Hannu Jukola |
637 |
Numerical Investigation of Multi-Component Podded Propulsor Performance in Straight Flow Antonio Sanchez-Caja, Timo Rauti, Karl Ramstedt, Tuomas Sipilä |
644 |
Full Scale Performance Prediction Method for a Ship with ContraRotating Propellers Yasuhiko Inukai, Jun Ando |
652 |
Hybrid Design Method for a Generic Counter-Rotating Propeller Emre Güngör |
660 |
Session WB3: Tip Loaded |
Investigation of Prediction Methods for Tip Rake Propellers Rhena Klose, Reinhard Schulze, Katrin Hellwig-Rieck |
688 |
Effective measures of eliminating propeller-hull vortex cavitation Hongbo-Huang, Zhengqing-Dong, Qingyu-Xue, Shuquan-Huang |
676 |
CFD Analysis of Scale Effects on Conventional and Tip-Modified Propellers Keun Woo Shin, Poul Andersen |
682 |
Open Water results comparison for three propellers with transition model, applying crossflow effect, and its comparison with experimental results Moran-Guerrero Amadeo, Gonzalez-Adalid Juan, Perez-Sobrino Mariano, Gonzalez-Gutierrez Leo |
690 |
Session WC3: Ocean Turbines. Ventilation. Partially Submerged |
A Generalised Boundary Element Method to Analyse Marine Current Turbines Hydrodynamics Including Flow Separation and Stall Francesco Salvatore, Zohreh Sarichloo, Danilo Calcagni |
698 |
Numerical Study of Propeller Ventilation Camille Yvin, Pol Muller, Kourosh Koushan |
708 |
Evaluation of Different Numerical and Analytical Strategies to Analyze a Ducted Marine Current Turbine Bradford G. Knight, Robert Freda, Yin Lu Young, and Kevin J. Maki |
715 |
Numerical Study on the Performance of a Partially Submerged Propeller in Bollard Condition Kwang-Jun Paik |
723 |
Session THA1: Acoustics/Vibration |
Case Study for the Determination of Propeller Emitted Noise by Experimental and Computational Methods Lutz Kleinsorge, Sven Schemmink, Rhena Klose, Lars Greitsch |
731 |
Numerical Prediction of Acoustic Noise Level Induced by Cavitation on Ship Propeller at Behind-Hull Condition Keita Fujiyama, Yoshitaka Nakashima |
739 |
The numerical prediction of the propeller cavitation and hull pressure fluctuation in the ship stern using OpenFOAM Zheng Chaosheng |
745 |
Session THB1: Podded Propulsors |
Unsteady Loads on an Azimuth Thruster in Off-Design Conditions Patrick Schiller, Keqi Wang, Michael Palm, Moustafa Abdel-Maksoud |
750 |
The optimization of podded propeller and its azimuthing hydrodynamic performance Shucheng Zhai, Jian Zhou, Yixing Jin |
758 |
Dynamic versus static CFD of Azipod® oblique flow hydrodynamic loads Mika Nuutinen, Pasi Miettinen |
762 |
Session THA2: Ducted Propellers |
Influence of Hydrodynamic Interaction between Ducted Propellers and Struts on Performance of Azimuth Thrusters Isao Funeno |
771 |
Long Tunnel Configurations for High Efficiency Thrusters Stefano Brizzolara, Enrico Bruno Brizzolara |
778 |
Prediction of the Open-Water Performance of Ducted Propellers With a Panel Method J. Baltazar, D. Rijpkema, J.A.C. Falcão de Campos, J. Bosschers |
786 |
Session THB2: Hydroelasticity/Composite Propellers |
Validation of a steady BEM-FEM coupled simulation with experiments on flexible small scale propellers Pieter Maljaars, Nicola Grasso, Mirek Kaminski, Wim Lafeber |
795 |
The influence of bend-twist coupling on the dynamic response of cavitating composite hydrofoils B.W. Pearce, P.A. Brandner, N. Garg, Y.L. Young, A.W. Phillips, D.B. Clarke |
803 |
Effect of material design parameters on the forced vibration response of composite hydrofoils in air and in water Andrew W Phillips, Russell Cairns, Claire Davis, Patrick Norman, Paul A. Brandner, Bryce W. Pearce, Yin Lu Young |
813 |
Experimental Measurements and Inverse Modeling of the Dynamic Loads and Vibration Characteristics of a Surface-Piercing Hydrofoil Casey Harwood, Jacob Ward, Mario Felli, Massimo Falchi, Steven Ceccio, Yin Lu Young |
823 |
Session THC2: Energy Saving Devices. Submarine/Self-propulsion |
Development of numerical methods for marine propeller - pre-swirl stator system design and analysis Przemysław Król, Tomasz Bugalski, Michał Wawrzusiszyn |
832 |
Development of the Wärtsilä EnergoFlow: An innovative energy saving device Anton Voermans |
839 |
Numerical Study of Propeller Diameter Effects for a Self-Propelled Conventional Submarine Daniel Norrison, Kristian Petterson, William Sidebottom |
848 |
Four Quadrant Thrust and Torque Prediction of INSEAN E-1619 Generic Submarine Propeller for Submarine Maneuvering Simulations Sinan Burunsuz, M. Cansın Özden, Yasemin Arıkan Özden, Ismail Hakkı Helvacıoğlu |
856 |