International Symposiums on Marine Propulsors
Homepage of the series of symposiums on marine propulsors
ships making wake

This web page is the permanent homepage of the series of Symposiums on Marine Propulsors.

Each symposium has a separate homepage for the upcoming symposium. You find a link to this page below. On this web site you’ll find information on the series of symposiums, and the proceedings of past symposiums.

NEWS: Proceedings of smp'24 are published online, now with DOI registration. smp'24 proceedings

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Next Symposium on Marine Propulsors:


Invitation to Attend

You are welcome to attend the 8th International Symposium on Marine Propulsors smp’24 - held on 17 - 20 March 2024.

smp’24 is being jointly organized by the Hamburg University of Technology, and Port Said University in cooperation with SINTEF Ocean and NTNU. We are looking forward to seeing you in Germany!


smp is supported by The Royal Institution of Naval Architects